Realme 7 Pro and Realme 7 are set to launch in India on September 3, Realme on Thursday announced through an invite sent to the media. The Realme 7 series has also been teased for a faster experience. To create some hype around the launch of the Realme 7 and Realme 7 Pro, Realme India CEO Madhav Sheth has changed his name on Twitter by adding “Faster7.” Sheth last week hinted at the India launch of the Realme 7 and Realme 7 Pro by started using a hashtag #BuildingTheFaster7 on the microblogging site.
As per the official invite, Realme 7 and Realme 7 Pro India launch will take place at 12:30pm on September 3. The company will host a digital launch event on its social media channels to announce the debut of the new models.
In addition to the invite sent to the media, the Realme Twitter account posted an image that shows off the presence of 65W SuperDart fast charging technology on the Realme 7 and Realme 7 Pro. The phones are also likely to feature a hole-punch display design.
Separately, an 11-second video clip has also been posted on Twitter by Realme that hints at a faster experience than the existing Realme 6 models.
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